
+7 (495) 787-50-27

Moscow, Marshal Biryuzov street, 1
Working hours: 8.00 - 17.00


Condition of the roads is one of the most obvious indicators of economic well-being in a country. Countries with a high quality of living have high quality of roads too — responsible owners and managers cannot afford to have losses of millions of currency units because of bad condition of roads surface.

Constructing of roads is not a cheap process, it requires not only a sufficient amount of materials, but also competent experts that know how to properly design a road considering area specifics in which it is based, and how to build it, taking into account all necessary technological requirements.

Before embarking on the constructing is necessary to conduct climate, geodetic and cartographic research of an area, where the road is going to be built. The purpose of this research is to study the type of soil and terrain, and to select the optimal location of the future road and time of its constructing.

It is important to calculate the time of beginning and finishing of constructing works, because if the constructing process takes place in a warm and dry weather, it makes it possible to build the roadbed of a higher quality, which prolongs its service life.

The constructing works should start after approval of the project documentation. Sand is brought to the construction site. Preferably to use the large particle sand because it has better draining features and provides a higher durability. Then, a sand laying, its leveling, pressing and moistening are taking place.
Then a sand and gravel mixture is put on top of sand. It is being laid, leveled, pressed and moistened as well as the sand before, after which a bilayer asphalt coating is being laid. Based on previous studies, the optimal composition of a mixture of asphalt and concrete is determined, which is ordered then at an asphalt-making plant.

Asphalt is laid and pressed using self-moving rollers. The thickness of the asphalt layer ranges from 5 to 15 centimeters, and depends on the intended service conditions of the constructing road.

However, the constructing process does not end at this stage. Yet some curbstone to be laid, a drainage system and other related structures to be built, as well as reclamation of land adjacent to the road.
GOC «Teplocentrstroy» specializes in road asphalting, paving slabs laying and installing of curbs.

Our experts use in their work the latest technologies and environmentally friendly materials. Asphalting works are produced using specialized equipment — we have our own fleet of special vehicles and machines.

We produce roads asphalting of varying complexities: from partial to major road repairs using quality raw materials and complying with all technical requirements to asphalting works, as well as according with established rules for asphalting roads in Moscow, Moscow region and we do our job quickly and efficiently.

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